「永續性別:社會與健康」/ Sustainable Gender Equity: Social Inclusion and Health
(1) 瞭解生命歷程中性別平權與健康的關聯:就生命歷程中性別,以及衍伸與性取向、社會階級、工作、移民、和其他社會特質的交織。
(2) 應用公共衛生與社會科學重要研究成果:從學科理論、研究和實務,不僅包括學程內部學生國家,並加入臺灣與東亞國家,以學生導向和小組討論的策略,進行組織性的分析,探索聯合國指定區域(例如:非洲、美洲、東南亞、歐洲、東地中海和西太平洋),釐清性別平權與健康間跨文化的關聯。
The International Health Program (Yang-Ming Campus) has received funding from the Ministry of Education this semester and we will offer a gender equality education course titled “Sustainable Gender Equity: Social Inclusion and Health” (Course code:131204) every Wednesday afternoon at 1:20 –3:10 p.m..
Built upon the United Nations’ Sustainable Goals framework, this course is designed to explore the multifaceted dimensions of gender equity and issues related to gender equity and examine the challenges and opportunities for promoting gender equality in various contexts and across Taiwan and other regions of the world. We will consider gender across the life course as well as its intersection with race, SES, sexuality, age, and ethnicity. We will draw on theory, research and literature from multi-disciplines. Organized around student-directed projects, this course facilitates students to explore how gender and gender equity are understood in daily life experiences and UN designated regions, such as Africa, the Americas, South-East Asia, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, and Western Pacific. The course takes an in-depth discussion at ongoing challenges with a focus on promising policies or interventions to promote gender equity.
The course is conducted entirely in English, will also include field visits, and students from various countries attend together. This diverse environment allows students to gain practical insights into the current status and challenges of gender equality in different countries. We welcome everyone to enroll in the course, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the program office at 02-28267000 ext. 65333.