
Gender Equity Education Q & A

What is sexual harassment? To what degree would it constitute sexual assault?

  1. Sexual assault: shall mean any conduct defined as sexual assault crime under the Sexual
    Assault Crime Prevention Act, which refers to sexual intercourse or obscene act
    conducted by one person to another person through use of force, coercion, threat, hypnosis,
    or otherwise against the will of such other person.
  2. Sexual harassment: shall mean any of the following circumstances and yet does not
    constitute sexual assault:

    • Any unwanted sexual or gender discriminatory language or acts, either explicit or
      implicit, such that affect the dignity, learning, job opportunity or performance of
      another person.
    • Any request for sex or gender-related action as a condition in exchange of gaining,
      losing or reducing any right of learning or working for one’s self or others.

Under what circumstance may a compliant be filed with the Gender Equity Education Committee? Can one file such a complaint if sexually harassed by others on the public transportation?

  1. If one party involved in the sexual assault or sexual harassment is a principal, teacher, staff, janitor or student, and the other party is a student, the victim may file with the Gender Equity Education Committee of the offender’s school for investigation.
  2. In the event that the sexual harassment occurs in a public space, and if the organization which such offender is affiliated with is known, the victim may file a complaint with such affiliated organization (i.e. government agency, army, school, institution, or employer) or the municipal or county (city) government in accordance with the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act and such case will be investigated by the relevant organization. In cases where the offender or the organization is unknown, a complaint may be filed with the police.
    • What if I am worried that if I file for such investigation, it will become a big nes in the school and my academic performance be affected ?

      During the investigation of an on-campus sexual assault or sexual harassment complaint, the following measures will apply to protect the petitioner (victim):

      1. Other than for public safety concerns, the names and other information regarding the identities of the parties, petitioners and witnesses of the case, during and after the 2 investigation, shall be kept in confidence.
      2. To protect the right to education or work of the parties, when it is deemed necessary, the school will handle the attendance/absence and grading flexibly to reduce interactions between the parties, or take other necessary measures to prevent revenge and the like.
      3. In case of an asymmetry in power between the parties, cross-examination would be

What is sexual harassment ?

  1. Legal definition:
    1. Sexual harassment:
      Excluding sexual assault crimes, sexual harassment shall refer to conducting acts relevant to sex or gender to another person against such person’s will and meet one of the following criteria: ­

      • Use of another person’s obedience to or rejection of one’s sexual advances as a condition of obtaining, losing or reducing his/her rights and interests in work, education, training, services, plans or activities.
      • Through exhibit or broadcast of texts, pictures, sounds, images or other objects, or use of discriminatory or humiliating languages or acts, or by any other measure, to demolish the dignity of another person, to induce fear, sense of intimidation or resentment, or to improperly influence the progress of another person’s work, education, services, plans, activities or normal routines.
    2. Sexual harassment crime: When a person, with the intention of sexual harassment, kisses, hugs or touches the buttocks, breast, or other physical private parts of another person when the latter one cannot quickly respond or resist, the offender shall be imprisoned for a definite term of no more than two years, detention, or fined up to NT$ 100,000;
      • Legal Effect: Sexual harassment may result in criminal charge, civil claims and administrative punishment.
  2. Conceptual definition:
    Any unwanted sex or gender related language or action that makes the other person uncomfortable, uneasy, feel offended or insulted; and in more serious cases, such may improperly affect the other person’s normal routines, or impair his/her dignity.

    • Reminder:
      1. Sexual harassment may happen between people of the opposite or the same sex.
      2. Both male and female may harass or be harassed.
      3. Sexual harassment is not necessarily related to “sex” or “body”; it may also include “gender harassment”.
      4. Even though the primary condition of whether a language or an act constitutes sexual harassment lies on the subjective perception of the person offended, the objective criteria shall also be met, and the whole circumstances shall also be

Q & A


  1. 性侵害:指性侵害犯罪防治法所稱性侵害犯罪之行為,係以強暴、脅迫、恐嚇、催眠術或其他違反他人意願之方法而為性交、猥褻者。
  2. 性騷擾:指符合下列情形之一,且未達性侵害之程度者:
    • 以明示或暗示之方式,從事不受歡迎且具有性意味或性別歧視之言詞或行為,致影響他人之人格尊嚴、學習、或工作之機會或表現者。
    • 以性或性別有關之行為,作為自己或他人獲得、喪失或減損其學習或工作有關權益之條件者。


  1. 若性侵害或性騷擾事件之一方為學校校長、教師、職員、工友或學生,他方為學生,受害者可向加害者學校的性平會提出申請調查。
  2. 若在一般場所或公共場合遭受到性騷擾,知道加害人有所屬單位者,便可依據性騷擾防治法向加害人所屬單位(機關、部隊、學校、機構或僱用人)或直轄市、縣(市)政府提出申訴,由加害人所屬單位進行調查,但加害人不明或不知有無所屬單位者,則可移請警察機關調查。



  1. 事件之當事人、檢舉人、證人之姓名及其他足以辨識身分之資料,在調查期間及調查完成之後,除基於公共安全考量外,均應予保密。
  2. 為保障事件當事人的受教權或工作權,於必要時,學校會彈性處理當事人的出缺勤、成績考核、減低雙方互動之機會、或採取必要處置以避免報復等。
  3. 雙方當事人有權力不對等情形時,會避免對質。



  • 法律定義:
    • 性騷擾:
    • 性騷擾罪:
  • 概念化定義:

    • 性騷擾可能發生在異性間及同性間。
    • 男女都有可能成為騷擾者或被騷擾者。
    • 性騷擾不一定要跟「性」或「身體」有關,也包括「性別騷擾」。
    • 性騷擾的構成條件雖首重被行為人的主觀感受,但也兼顧客觀的認定標準,並需衡酌事發情境。