【性平會】📣性平課程開課獎勵,歡迎踴躍申請!【Gender Equity Education Committee】📣 Gender Equity Course Award– Applications Now Open!




📌 l聯絡資訊:性別平等教育辦公室許小姐,校內分機31995,電子郵件:geec@nycu.edu.tw
📌 l附件:性平課程開課獎勵辦法、申請表
To encourage gender equity course offerings at our school, all faculty members are invited to submit their applications to the Gender Equity Education Office by 5:00 PM on October 31, 2024.

The program will be conducted according to the school’s guidelines for the Gender Equity Course Award (Attachment 1). Key points include:

This award is selected once per academic year. Applications must be submitted within the announced deadline for consideration by the Gender Equity Committee.
A maximum of five courses will be awarded each year, and the award may be withheld if necessary. Awarded courses will receive a certificate and a cash prize of NT$20,000, along with public recognition of the winning teachers.
Teachers interested in applying should submit the application form by October 31, 2024, along with the course syllabus, gender equity course content description, teaching evaluation questionnaire result, and course outcome report (as in Attachment 3). Please complete the necessary approval procedures and send the hard copies to the Gender Equity Education Office for processing. Late submissions will not be accepted.

📌 Contact Information: Ms. Hsu at the Gender Equality Education Office, internal extension 31995, email: geec@nycu.edu.tw

📌 Attachments: Gender Equality Course Award, Application Form


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